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Meet the Artist


Yes, that’s me – hiding away in my home studio just pottering around, making things. That’s what I enjoy – being in my own space, being creative and making cool stuff.

Over the past few years my creative endeavours have mostly been centred around pencil drawings. It started on a whim; a spark of inspiration. I’d hardly drawn since high school but on that day, I picked up a pencil and drew a native morepork owl. I popped that drawing up on Trade Me (just for shits-and-giggles, right?). Well, that drawing sold and it was the beginning of something special… 


Making a subject come alive on paper is the part I enjoy the most. It’s a challenge and that’s why I do it. This is probably why I lean towards realism (and maybe a little surrealism) as my style of work. Everything in nature is alive and that is what inspires me and challenges me. I love to draw animals, plants, insects and anything nature based. Sometimes I like to add a touch of whimsy and humour to my drawings because I like an artwork that makes me (and you) smile. 


Let me tell you - that pretentious ol’ art world is not my cup of tea! (keepin' it real over here 😏) I don’t care much for all that stuff; I simply enjoy creating and sharing my work with people like you. Someday I’d like to create a space where you can visit, view my artwork, and have a yarn but until then it's right here online that is the best place to view and purchase my work. 


So, I invite you to have a browse through my collections, and if you'd like updates and early access when new artworks become available then I recommend joining my mailing list. You can also follow along on my artistic journey and see what I'm working on over on Facebook & Instagram.  You won’t hear from me loads - I’m far too reclusive for that (and don’t expect any "personal life updates”😆) but I do look forward to sharing my artworks with you soon! 🤍 
